How To Get User Generated Content!

relaxing at computer

Get other people to create unique content and images for you so you can sit back and watch the traffic come steadily in…

I am getting user generated content to build my web businesses. Except for some copying and pasting and moving some images around for my own uses, it’s all on autopilot.

What Is User Generated Content?

User generated content is when a visitor to your website, or a person on your list, writes content, provides images, or a video for you to use on your website (or even for other purposes). Continue reading

Pen Name Legalities For Authors and Marketers!

pen nameMy pen name guide (pseudonym): I was concerned about the legalities of using a pen name for ebooks, websites (blogs), and even webinars or teleseminars. So I hired a lawyer to do a write up about the legal in and outs of using a pen name for writing or online marketing.

What he wrote is in ‘legaleze’ so hopefully you can wrap your head around it. Continue reading

How To Embed A Youtube Video In A Craigslist Ad!

video playerIf you want to embed a video in a craigslist ad you can’t do it anymore but there are new workarounds that will help you.

ATTENTION: Read Craigslist’s Terms Of Use before linking from your ad in any way.

I just uploaded a new ad to craigslist with video embedded in it (sort of).

But when I was placing my ad there was a note from craigslist stating that they will not allow self hosted images in the ads ‘very soon’. Continue reading

My Goal – To Build A Money Making App!

brian maroevichThere are many software programs and websites that will show you how to build an app without coding. Some of these sites are really amazing. Some are junk.

In this article I am going to show you two resources that you can play around with which will help you build an app quickly even if you can’t code, learn how to build an app with very little coding.

But that’s not all! Wow I really sound like a salesman there. Sorry. Anyway, I am going to show you how I am getting a real money making app built by a developer (at least I hope so. No promises).

I chart my progress so you can learn from it. Does that sound good? Give me a ‘Yeah!’ and click the like button above or below if that sounds good ok?

Lets begin…

The first resource that will get your feet wet in free app building and getting a feel for app building is called Appgeyser. It’s fairly user friendly, and it’s mostly free. I think it’s a really good first step for beginner app builders (and I am a beginner. I actually not interested in learning how to code either. But if that is your thing, you go Girl! More on this later).

The second free resource for building apps is called Buzztouch. This is a more advanced app building software program and training area. It’s excellent because they teach you how to build apps using code and they have a great forum. The cool thing about it is that you can’t get to the next ‘lesson’ until you pass a test on the previous less. So by the time you are done, you are a real app builder. This is highly recommended.

After you get your feet wet in one or both of those free resources you may want to hire a developer to build a money making app for you.

The reason I am getting a money making app build is because:

  • I am an internet marketer and if I don’t get an app built (and I mean a real app that gets listed on the Android and/or Apple platform, not a free app made from your website), then I am not staying on top of my game.
  • Apps are cool.
  • I can say I have my very own app.
  • We need an app for our brick and mortar business (so I might have this one built at the same time as my ‘money making app’).

Full disclosure: I purchased 3 books on app building and app marketing, and have not read one of them (they are loaded on my kindle and I starting reading one of them about 6 months ago and never got past page 3). I recently saw a video by some guy named Chad Murreta who is some app business building guru. It was a free video which was his ‘lead generator’ that is selling his ridiculously expensive course on building and marketing an app. Maybe it’s good but I am not spending $700 on it. I can pay someone to build one with that money. And that’s exactly what I am going to an app

Step 1 To Building An App Without Coding: Find an app.

Ha! You’re probably thinking, ‘Why would I find an app? I want to build one!’ And that’s exactly the mistake I almost made a year ago (yes, I dabbled with hiring an app developer and, well, we have three children under 6 years old so this went nowhere).

Well, I figured that I might as well find an app that seems to be doing OK, but could possibly use some work, model (not copy it), and try to make it better.

My first choice was to build a metric calculator. It seems simple, and it could be done quickly. The problem is that there are many of them, and they are all really good.

So last night, May 16th 2013, I found an app. I am not going to tell you what it is because unfortunately I don’t know you and frankly, my ideas have been ripped off before (here’s what I mean – this guy took my guide I created and tried to sell it on…he even copied my actual post from the Warrior forum to use as his description).

OK, so Step 1 is complete. I am going to go with this app, and show it to some potential developers to get their opinions on it.

Step 2 To Building An App Without Coding: Android, iPhone, or both?

Coding for the Android and iPhone platforms is different. So you have to hire a developer who specialized in one or both. Originally I wanted to start with the iPhone because it was the most popular smart phone a year or two ago. Now, the Android is the most popular and steadily growing. I have an iPhone so this might be weird.

Anyway, I am going to hire an Android developer…

Step 3 To Building An App Without Coding: Hire an App Developer.

If you can’t code like me, then you can’t build an app. So what do you do? You find someone who can. But you don’t just go out and hire your brother friend who lives in his moms basement. You have to outsource carefully. I am very experienced in outsourcing. I outsource almost daily for content; a little SEO here and there, image editing and creating, and a little video stuff here and there as well.

But I am not experienced in getting an app created and I am not 100% certain of what I am doing since all I know about apps is that they are on my iPhone and they are really cool.

But, I feel if I provide a model for them to go by I have a better chance of success. As of right now I am interviewing app developers. I’ll post updates shortly.

Update: May 17th 2013.

I placed an ad on Odesk that said this:

I have an idea of an app I need created for the Android. I am open to doing it on iphone as well. It will be in the area of sounds and creating sounds.

I want to model an app that is already on the market but make it better.

Isn’t that a terrible job posting? I can’t believe I actually only wrote that much. And the only reason I can think of is because I am so used to writing short postings on freelancer sites for content, which usually doesn’t require very much detail.

The result of that ad was 21 applicants for the job. I messaged 6 of them based upon their overall feedback and hours worked on Odesk, app portfolio, and also taking into consideration their rate.

I decided upon a coder who works with an agency because I also liked the fact that he was getting back to me in the morning (Pacific time) and was very responsive.

His rate to complete the app was just $200. But I am sure it will be more because changes will need to be made, and I have to pay to have this app loaded onto Google Play.

How To Build A Money Making App Part II

So it’s been 6 days since I started this project and I ran into some roadblocks. I did anticipate some roadblocks, but the one roadblock I am having trouble managing is ‘doubt’. I am pretty sure this first idea is not going to make any money so I am going to get it done just for the experience and move on to another app idea that may make some money. But for now I want to complete this current project.

The second roadblock I had was a ‘duh’ mistake.  I have an iPhone and can’t view the mock ups on my iPhone. I thought I could use an emulator for the Android but that isn’t possible, from what I understand, so I bought a Galaxy S3.

Now I can download the work they have done so far…wait not so fast! I had trouble downloading the work they have done so we are at a stand still today.

May 24th. I finally figured out how to view and test an app that my developers are working on my Android phone. I shot this video because I figured the problem I was having may be the same problem someone else is having:

A this point I am happy to show you my first app because it’s not in a money making market in my opinion. There are many other similar apps that are probably better. It’s not bad, but it’s not good. It will be a free app and I’ll put ads on it for a revenue source.

I need a good app if I want to make money, and a good app in a niche market. And that’s what I have another developer working on. I feel it will make a little bit of money, and then I will work from there.

My first app is called Annoying Sounds. I was modeling another app called Annoying Noises. My app is a silly, maybe even ‘stupid’ app. Here is what the mock up version looks like:

annoying sounds app

The sounds are mostly pretty annoying. You can set your ringtone to the annoying sound of your choice by touching the sound you want, and then selecting the red gear button, and then choosing ringtone.

annoying sounds app settings

This would make a good prank by getting your friend to download it and then setting his or her ringtone to the scream or maybe even the fart. Imagine your friend talking with a girl he likes and then calling him!

So that’s my first app. I am not expecting any revenue to write home about from it. But the experience of building it, testing it was the reward…

Money Making App Problem #1:

I had trouble getting the app on my phone to test it. I’ll explain how I solved this problem shortly.

Why MLM Is For Suckers!

mlm sucksMLM and Network marketing sucks. Why does it suck so much? Because the entire business model is built around a big giant greedy bubble I call the MLM Bubble…

What Is The MLM Bubble Brian?

I am so glad you asked. First, I want to state that this article is totally based upon my opinion and experience dealing with MLM companies and quite a few ‘distributors’ over the years.

Let me start with explaining why MLM or Network marketing companies become MLM or Network marketing companies in the first place.

HUGE Competition!

If you notice, many of the big MLM companies are in the health and beauty products business. You know, vitamins, drinks, lotions, potions and make up? Continue reading

Barcode Scanning Guide

I have an iPhone and have used three different barcode scanning apps for finding profitable items to sell on Amazon and Ebay.

I currently only use the FREE Amazon app which you can get easily on the Android or iPhone (read this article to understand why I do not use FBA Scan anymore). The two I will discus are FBA Scan and the Amazon scanner.

I am going to show you how to use and understand them both.

Here Is How To Use FBA Scan:

If you want to use your iPhone like I do and use the free trial of FBA Scan here is what you do. First, download the FBA Scan app. Just search for FBA Scan…


  • Next: Scan the barcode on any item. Here is a DVD I found:


  • After you scan it in, this is what you see on your FBA Scan App:


As you can see in the image above there are four columns. Let me break them down for you:

  • The column on the far right labeled ‘New’ is what the current prices are for this DVD new but through sellers who are not listing it in the FBA program.
  • The next column is labeled ‘Used’. This column shows the prices of the DVD through sellers who are selling it and fulfilling the order themselves as a used DVD. So it will be the used price plus whatever they charge for shipping/handling. The letters V,A, and G next to the price stand for Very Good, Acceptable, and Good. The numbers next to the letters are the number of DVD available in that condition. For example, (A,3) means there are 3 DVD’s in Acceptable condition at that price.
  • The column labeled ‘FBA’ shows what other sellers are selling this DVD through the FBA program. The letters next the price show that these sellers are selling this DVD New. For example 44.95 (N,3) means that there are three sellers selling the DVD at $44.95, in New condition.
  • The ‘Net’ column shows what the net profit is for selling a DVD at the FBA prices as shown in the FBA column. For example, the seller who is selling the DVD for $40.80 is going to net $32.50 (This screen shot was taken before a fee increase so his or her net will be about two dollars lower now).

Like I said I just stopped using that app but you may want to use it yourself because it does have advantages (re-read above). I use the Amazon app right now because I am not doing a whole of Library books sales anymore (at least not at the moment), and I have a good idea as to what the profit loss will be for most products.

Here’s how the Amazon Bardcode Scanning App. First download the app. You know how to do that, right? Good!

  • Tap either the search box or the little bar code thingy to the right of the search box…


  • If you tap the search box you will see the image below. Tap Scan it…


  • If you tap the barcode thingy you will instantly go the the scanning feature. Scan the barcode of a book or dvd or any product with a barcode…


  • The orange lines will turn green and your phone may vibrate and then redirect you to what it finds on Amazon:


After you use the barcode scanning app you can see what it finds so that you can research the pricing of the product and it’s worth your time and money to buy and list it on Amazon.

What you want to do is look at how many new and used versions of your product are for sale and at what price. Remember that Amazon takes a percentage and fees from each of your products. Read this article on how to understand Amazon’s two selling platforms which you can participate in.


You are now ready to start finding items to sell on the FBA platform. If you start today you will start making money is just 1 – 2 weeks because it takes a few days for your package of goodies to arrive at Amazon. And shortly after they receive your package of goodies (they’ll send you an email like this…)



Sell On Amazon and Ebay In 7 Steps!

goodwill storeHere’s how to find stuff to sell on Amazon and Ebay Step by Step. It’s so easy you can do this on a lunch break or when you are getting a cup of coffee.

Follow these 7 steps to making extra money working a few hours a week (at most). It’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s profitable:

Step 1: Find Goodwill, Salvation Army, good thrift stores, even a TJMax, CVS, Wallgreens, Rite Aid, or Toys R Us (for starters) surrounding your home.
Step 2: Get the FBA Scan app for your iphone or Android. Also, I suggest you get the Amazon and eBay apps as well.

Step 3: Set aside at least $20 – $100 to spend (don’t worry about this yet. But the more money you can spend, the better).

Step 4: Get lunch. Eat fast, and then head over to one, several, or all of the stores listed above.

thrift store booksStep 5: If you go to Goodwill or Salvation Army, go to the book section, dvd section, toys, and household items, and look for items that look new or are in good condition. Scan the barcode on these items through FBA Scan or with the Amazon scanning app (FREE!), and see what you come up with (see the article on how to scan items if this is confusing to you).

If you go to the retail stores, look for clearance items, and items that are discounted deeply or are on special. You’ll see signs and stickers. Sometimes you have to walk to the back or ask an employee.

There is always going to be specials and clearance items at the retails stores. That’s the good news. The better news is that the most clearance items will be available shortly after Christmas, and after other Holiday promotions because they have to get rid of inventory. I have found great items that are below wholesale this way.

Step 6: No Barcode? No problem. Look this item up manually on Amazon using the app (you could actually just use this app on its own for looking up pricing, but it has its limitations).

You can manually type in the name of the item, or use the ‘Snap It’ feature, which works well for books and dvd’s. Or, search for the item on Google or Bing and see what comes up.

Search on Ebay as well and see if it sold and for how much (there are website apps that can tell you what to expect from different items. I don’t discuss this here, and I do not use them very much at this time, but I will in the future.

Do not discount Ebay. For example, I found an old booklet that I thought was worthless. At the last second I did a search on Bing and the first search result was for a closed Ebay listing where the same item in worse condition than mine sold for $122. This booklet only cost .50. I listed in two months later and got $117! Here’s proof:


Like I said, don’t dismiss items you think won’t sell or are worthless because there are many at every thrift store in America. I’ve found small items that sell well, and I thought for sure it was a waste of time. For example, I found some Dream Water that was only .99 cents. I listed them on Amazon and received $15 each. My net profit was $9.

SIDE BAR: Don’t worry about selling on Amazon yet, I am going to show you how to do it in a moment. There are two ways to do it (more on this in a moment).
You’ll find items like this as well.

Once you find an item with a good profit margin set the item into your basket and move on to the next item.

Some items are better sold on Ebay: Rare items, vintage items, and hard to find items.

items read to ship to amazonStep 7: Bring your items home and get ready to ship them to Amazon. Or, if they are not an FBA candidate, list them on eBay.

Listing things on eBay is easy, but you should do a very good job of taking pictures (and I mean an excellent job), because a bad picture or two can dramatically reduce you sales.

Conversely, a good picture and boost bidding significantly. It really matters. There are some great tools that help you take professional quality pictures of small and large items from your digital camera or smart phone. For example: get a lighting tent and lights, and a smartphone or digital camera stand. These two things alone with improve your sales.

How important are pictures? Some sellers buy on eBay and relist the same product after taking good pictures and writing excellent descriptions. I’ve done it myself.

Cool Survey Marketing Technique!

I am going to show you a survey selling technique that is actually an upselling technique in disguise, and more! Plus I am going to explain why Frank Kern was wrong (a strategy I modeled from his Mass Control seminar)…

I use this exact strategy in 4 different niches, and on 7 different lists in these niches. I have had it on autopilot for years and it’s bringing an extra several hundred dollars a month.

But that’s actually not the best part of this strategy. The best part is I am getting data from my lists that help me find and create products and content that I never would have thought about in these niches.

So take action on this.

It’s very cool, and it will help you in several ways:

  • It will increase your sales (I can’t guarantee it but it works for me).
  • It will get you more ideas for content.
  • You’ll improve your business.
  • Yes, it will help you in all these areas. But first:

Why This Frank Kern Mass Control Technique Was Wrong!

It’s no big secret that surveys are a great way to get your list to give up information about themselves, and what they want and don’t want in your niche.

That is basically what this is about. But with a small twist. First let me give you some background information.

For years I’ve been using surveys in my offline business, and I was using it on my online niches as well. And I was getting some pretty good information. I kept the questions to a minimum because I didn’t want to bother my customers and subscribers.

A couple years later I bought Frank Kerns first Mass Control information product and Mass Control Monthly. In the DVD’s series he explained a technique he used in his Dog niches where he said he asked his list to take a survey.

He said to ask them two or three questions like, ‘What would it feel like if your dog obeyed your every command’. The main emphasis was to get them to ‘feel’ what the result would be if their dogs were trained well (I am paraphrasing and I may have left a few things out, but that was the gist of it I believe).

After they finished the quick survey they were redirected to a thank you page that gave them a discount on his dog training course, and apparently he made a boat load of money or something.

So, I created 5 different surveys in 5 completely different niches and asked 2 or 3 questions just like he suggested.

The Results From Frank Kerns Mass Control Survey Marketing Idea:


It totally bombed. I got some people to fill out the survey (and as you can tell by the questions the answers we totally useless), and the sales were minimal. So you might be thinking, ‘maybe you don’t have a good relationship with your list’, or ‘maybe you didn’t send quality information to your list prior to asking them to take the survey’. That may be true in one niche that I have neglected, but not all 5!

This survey technique was in my autoresponder sequence and I kind of forgot about it for a few months.

Then one day I decided to take the survey out of my auto-responder sequences.

But then I thought to myself, ‘why put this to waste? Since I do have a thank you upsell page set up, and the whole thing took me several hours to set up, why not actually ask a dozen or so questions of my lists that will give me information that I can actually use to help me grow the businesses? And if I make a few sales, great!’

So I did this in one niche, and guess what? It worked! I got more people to take the survey, and my sales spiked and results have been consistent for several years now.

Why Did It Work?

I can only guess. I think people are smarter than we realize sometimes and the first survey had no real substance to it. Maybe they feel like since I am asking ‘feely’ type questions and only 2 or 3 of them and then they are directed to a sales page that all I am doing is trying to sell them something.

Conversely, when I ask meaningful questions that actually help me understand their needs, maybe they feel like it’s more legitimate. I don’t know. But even if they don’t buy it’s still a win for me because I now know my list better, I know my niche better, and I have new product ideas and article or video ideas that I would not have had if I didn’t make this change. Remember that when you do put this technique into action.

So not only did my sales improve, but I get quality data from the survey that has resulted in helping me come up with product ideas and content.

But I don’t want to trash Frank Kern because ‘Frankly’ I wouldn’t have pursued this avenue had I not watched the Mass Control DVD.

I must say, I haven’t even checked the survey results in a couple of niches because I am too busy. But it’s on autopilot and the upsell/thank you page is working well enough. So I have a treasure trove of content and product ideas waiting for me!

What Questions To Ask On Your Survey Marketing Strategy?

Instead of asking useless questions in your survey like ‘How would it make you feel if…”, I asked real survey questions like:

  • What Is Your Biggest Problem When It Comes To (Niche)?
  • What Is Your Biggest Expense When It Comes To (Niche)?
  • What topics are you interested in the most? Please rate the choices:
  • What is your biggest frustration when it comes to your (Niche subjects)?
  • What is/are your favorite hobby or hobbies outside of (Niche)…
  • How would you rate the quality of information you have received from us so far?
  • If you were to buy a (name of product or service) how much would you spend for it?
  • What services or products do you wish we had for you?

Some questions had an essay box, some had a rating scale that they had to navigate, and others were a simple yes or no question.

I have other questions, and I present more to you if you are interested. For example, we have a different set for our local business, and some different questions in other niches.

As you can see, all of these questions can provide us with good detail.

To come up with your own questions, just ask yourself what you need to know in order to find out what your list wants in terms of products, services, and information (article/video ideas).

Let me know if you need assistance with this.

What Email To Send To Your List?

I am not a world class copywriter, although I have been paid to write copy. But I do know that writing email copy doesn’t have to be complicated. Just tell the truth, and try to be compelling, and get to the point.

Anyway, here’s a two email sequence that I have been using for years with this technique:

Subject Line:

{!firstname_fix}, can you please complete this (name of) survey?


Hello {!firstname_fix},

We want to write articles that you want
to read. This simple survey will help
us create them for you…


Can you fill it out? It will only
take 5 minutes or less…


Thanks for your trouble 🙂


PS: We do this once per year so we
can really nail down what you really
want to read and see. Thanks 🙂

Second Email about 4 days after the first (I might change that):

Subject Line:

{!firstname_fix}, I have a favor to ask…


Hey {!firstname_fix} –
If you have 5 minutes can you
please complete this (name of)


(If you already did, thanks
very much!!!)

Your answers will help us
fine tune the articles
and videos you’ll get
from us…

OK, yes, I’m begging…
(I am now off my hands and knees…
hey no jokes)…


Thanks for your trouble 🙂


PS: We do this once per year so we
can really nail down what you really
want to read and see. Thanks 🙂

Here’s How To add An Upsell Thank You Page Using SurveyMonkey!

Log Into Survey Monkey and on the Survey you created click ‘Collect Responses’:


Click on New Link:


Click on Change Settings:


Scroll down the page and select Redirect To Your Own Page, and put in your thank you or upsell page:


Here’s A Few Examples Of Survey Results and What You Can Do!

You can analyze results by clicking in the Analyze Results Tab under My Surveys:


Here is the first question in one of my many surveys. You can see the percentages, or you can create a chart (either a pie chart or a column chart):


Here is what the pie chart looks like. It’s a pop up window:


Here’s an example of a question that requires quite a bit of answering:


Here’s the pie chart:


Pretty Slick, right?
Let me know if you need any help 🙂
Brian Maroevich

PS: By the way, the weird thing about this is that two weeks after I changed my survey to a more meaningful survey, Frank Kern or maybe it was his cousin Trey (I forget which), sent me a more meaningful survey like mine with a thank you upsell page. This was a several years ago and I was thinking about creating a report just like this one for the Internet Marketing community. But when I got this from them I was thinking ‘are they on my lists?’ So I buried it until now. Anyway, that really happened 🙂

Increase Amazon Affiliate Sales

If you want to increase your amazon affiliate sales and earnings this little ‘hack’ I learned might boost your sales. It sure did increase my commissions with Amazon!

Imagine being able to say something like this:
‘82% Off Pet Supplies At’
Or have a banner like this:

dog banner ad

Since we are using a Pet niche blog, or site, as an example use your imagination and substitute ‘Pet Supplies’ with any main category in Amazon.

Do you think someone would click on it? Do you think someone would buy?

The problem is that there is no area on Amazon to search by percentage off unless they are having a special deal that day. But now there is!

Increase Sales With This Amazon Hack:

Every category on Amazon has what’s called a ‘node’ that identifies it. A node is a number that is used to identify a list of products that are for sale on their site.

But the cool hack that nobody really knows about is that you can find all the products that are for sale at any specified discount you want. So if I want to see if there are any items 82% off the retail price in the pet supplies category (Node 12923371), I would use a link that looks like this:

The red numbers starting from the left are the node number for the category, and the 82 is the 82% off.

Check this out:

amazon discount example

You can’t find or search Amazon any other way that I know of.

The cool part is yet to come!

So how can you use this to improve your Amazon Affiliate sales?

Once you have the link you want to use with the right node and percentage off, copy the entire link, and then go to your Amazon Associates center.

Click on Links and Banners:


Then click on ‘Link To Any Page’: ama2

Scroll to the bottom and copy and paste your link into the link builder in the Link to Any Page section, and type in the text you want where it says Name Your Link, and click Get HTML in the lower right corner:


Here’s what you get: ama4

All you have to do now is click Highlight HTML, and the right click and save it to notepad or your HTML editor.

Your new text link will look just as it is shown in the above image where it says Preview.

Some affiliates take the actual raw affiliate link out of the HTML, and then create a banner add…

ATTENTION: An Internet marketer that I respect once told me that you have to use Amazon’s tools to create links and banners. So I do not know if you can create your own banner and use the raw affiliate link. I do not know if this is part of their terms of service agreement. I’ve checked and can’t seem to get a definitive answer, so check for yourself.

With that said, they are pretty forgiving in my experience. Much more so than the evil Google Empire 😉

Here is what they had to say when I asked them if they had custom banner creation services or if I can make a banner myself and code it with my raw affiliate link. See if you can sort it out:

Hi Brian,

I am sorry, we do not offer banners for individual products. You are welcome to create your own, or you can create a product link in Associates Central.

You can find these tools by logging into Associates Central at and visiting the “Links and Banners” and “Widgets” section.

We ask that you use these tools to create the links you need. The tools will automatically insert your correct Associates ID into the HTML code, which allows us to track sales from your links and will present you with images where applicable. You’ll need to paste the HTML code into your website using your HTML editor or the authoring tool provided by your web host.

There are a number of links that we offer so please take the time to consider all of the linking options available.

I hope this helps.

Here Is A List Of Node Numbers:

  • Node 16310091 – Industrial &; Scientific
  • Node 172526 – GPS and Navigation
  • Node 165796011 – Baby
  • Node 404272 – VHS
  • Node 1036592 – Apparel & Accessories
  • Node 1040668 – Shoes
  • Node 3367581 – Jewelry & Watches
  • Node 599858 – Magazines & Newspapers
  • Node 283155 – Books
  • Node 5174 – Music
  • Node 130 – DVD
  • Node 16261631 – Unbox Video Downloads
  • Node 468642 – Computer & Video Games
  • Node 229534 – Software
  • Node 13993911 – Amazon Shorts
  • Node 172282 – Electronics
  • Node 1065836 – Audio & Video
  • Node 502394 – Camera & Photo
  • Node 301185 – Cell Phones & Service
  • Node 541966 – Computers & PC Hardware
  • Node 1064954 – Office Products
  • Node 11091801 – Musical Instruments
  • Node 1055398 – Home & Garden
  • Node 1057792 – Bed & Bath
  • Node 1057794 – Furniture & Decor
  • Node 3370831 – Gourmet Food
  • Node 284507 – Kitchen & Housewares
  • Node 286168 – Outdoor Living
  • Node 12923371 – Pet Supplies
  • Node 15684181 – Automotive
  • Node 228013 – Tools & Hardware
  • Node 16310101 – Grocery
  • Node 3760911 – Beauty
  • Node 3760901 – Health & Personal Care
  • Node 3375251 – Sports & Outdoors
  • Node 165793011 – Toys & Games

Extra Hack:

You can customize the link to find products that are only sold by and not by other vendors on Amazon. You do this by placing this code at the end of If you want to limit results to just items sold by Amazon, add this to the end of the search:


Example: The search below will show items at least 82% off in the pet supplies category but the items are only sold by Amazon:

Now that you know how to do this, consider putting a text link in a highly visible area on your site that says something like:

Get 75% Off Computers and Electronics At!

Or choose a different percentage off. Be sure to search for to see if there are items available at the discount price you are searching for.

Good News!

I have a free tool that you can use to make this idea that will increase your Amazon earnings easier. Go to my webmaster tools site with the Amazon Secret Link Finder…

It’s really simple. Just select the percentage off you want to search, choose Node number (by category), choose whether or not you want all listings to be sold and fulfilled by Amazon (check the box):


Click Generate Link:


And then your link shows up in a gorgeous yellow box. All you have to do is select it all, right click, and then save it.

After that you need to follow the directions above to get your affiliate link.

Be sure to test your links to be sure they work properly before you get your affiliate link, and after. Even the ones with my free tool. If you have a problem let us know.

Try using total notify plugin, which is basically the same as the Hello Bar, but free (at least it was when I first created my tool).

Credit Due:

The best product developer and Internet marketer you never heard of is Bill Myers. He is the one who showed this little hack to me years ago. If you want to get quality product development and information marketing ideas flowing like a fire hydrant during a summer heat wave, you have to visit his site. It’s been my little secret for many years. Now it will be yours. If you use that link you’ll see how killer his site and content is. I will get a tiny little commission if you sign up (it will pay for a soy latte), and you really should.

How To Add A Video Trailer To Your Youtube Channel!

Adding a Youtube Video Trailer to your Channel is a great way to engage visitors to your channel, build your brand, and increase your subscriptions. But getting it set up is a little tricky if you don’t know how to navigate through Youtubes interface.

So here’s how ad add a video trailer to your channel.

Step 1: Got your channel:


Step 2: To to your Settings:


Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of your Youtube settings and click on the link that says View your account status and feature availability… Continue reading