How To Make Money With PLR

Many newbie marketers want to learn how to make money with PLR, and the truth is, it’s not difficult. In fact it’s quite easy – if you have a list. And if you have a list that means you probably have a site that gets traffic, or you are buying traffic to build your list.

But if you don’t have traffic, or you don’t have a site, but you want to make money with PLR, then you need to start with the basics (skip down if you already know this part)…

First, start building a site. Build a quality site with killer content that the search engines can’t ignore. I will not go into how to build a site because there are numerous tools and courses on how to accomplish this important task using WordPress or other tools. You can read my free ebook on the subject.

The good news is that PLR is a solid content marketing tool for online businesses – if done correctly…

There are many ways to use PLR to grow your business. But the problem is that most beginner Internet marketers don’t use it the right way and either hurt their business, or don’t get the results they were trying to achieve. Continue reading

Frontend Image Add Plugin Directions

user generated contentI have a plugin called Front End Image Ad. It’s pretty cool because you can put it on any page, and it gives people the ability to post an image and write about it on your blog so that you get content and images to use on your site.

Getting this kind of content is called user generated content.

Anyway, here’s how to use it…

Basic Directions On How To Use It:

How To Click Down To The Plugin:

There is a tag already attached to the Image Ad Plugin. After you place it on a page or post, put the following code at the beginning of your page if you want people to be automatically directed down to the area to insert an image and content as shown in the above video:

Lastly, there is a document that you can use if you don’t have an agreement for when people submit content and images. They must click the box which they must agree to the terms. I created one for you to use which is in your download material but you should tweak it for your site.

Create a page, and put it in the plugin.

Don’t Have The Plugin? Get It Here Now.

The Frontend Image Add plugin is all about turning your traffic and subscribers into content creators for your site. It will work best when you ask your current subscribers on your list to contribute to the subject (the page). So build your list and use the plugin to snowball your content and images on your blog.

But that’s not all it’s good for. You can use this plugin to get testimonials, create videos, and even create a book you can sell on Amazon or other publishing platforms. And I’ve done it all using the same or similar system. I’ve done it without the plugin by simply asking for pictures, reviews, and stories depending on the subject.

Read more about exactly how I accomplished this and more here.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to use the ‘submissions guidelines’ page so that you get yourself covered (you’re never totally safe when it comes to images, unfortunately. I have never had a problem using this strategy). You can copy my submissions guidelines page if you wish, just change it to suit your site or particular guidelines.

Here is a copy of my submissions guidelines page.

Let me know if you have any questions on it.

Kindle eBook Publishing Guide!

reading a kindlePublishing a kindle ebook is quite easy once you do it a few times. Making money with a kindle ebook is fairly easy as well – but you have to follow a certain process.

I have been successfully selling kindle ebooks for almost three years now…

Success for me is making several hundred dollars per month. Making thousands per month is possible but challenging.

As you can see by this screen shot below, I have sold well over 50 kindle ebooks in an 11 day period. If you take into account the KDP select promotions, then I have sold over three hundred (click the image below and look all the way to the right). Continue reading

Make Money From Thrift Stores!

Here’s how I make money from thrift stores and you can too! What I do is not rocket science, but I think it might inspire you. You may want to read my first article called Operation Thrifting For Gold because it was my first ‘case study’ and my readers really enjoyed it.

There is quite literally treasure in most thrift stores waiting to be found…

Today, I went to two thrift stores and spent a total of 2 hours, including getting in my car and driving there and back, and I picked up at least three hundred dollars worth of goods. At least!

Let me show you about 60% of my booty:

thrift store finds

As you can see in this picture of my thrift store finds (from one small store), I got some interesting things. Most of them are worth good money, and my return on investment will be significant. This is not everything! I got 7 more books in addition to all this… Continue reading

Need UPC Codes For Amazon?

Here’s how to get UPC codes for your products so you can list them on Amazon, or other websites that require a UPC code…

Legal Stuff: This article if for informational purposes only. Do your own research before taking my recommendations or advice.

Here’s what a UPC code broker has to say and he is also the person I trust on this:

“You have two choices when purchasing UPC Codes. You can buy directly from GS1 or you can buy from a reseller such as us. The benefits of buying from a reseller is obviously the price. When you purchase UPC codes from a reseller you are buying a “lot” of codes within a shared prefix, when you purchase from GS1 you are buying an entire prefix.”

I have million dollar bills! Yes, I do. They are fake, so don’t get all jealous of me. Anyway, for the longest time I couldn’t figure out how to get them listed for sale on Amazon and some other sites that require UPC codes.

But finally I was able to get a UPC barcode and then list them on Amazon! Here’s my UPC code in barcode format (which I’ll never use):

million dollar upc barcode

Here’s my Amazon Barcode Label:

amazon barcode label

So How Did I Accomplish This?

I did a little research a year ago and I discovered that, it’s freak’n confusing! So I stopped looking, and a year later I started in again because my million dollar bills are awesome and I want to list them for sale. I mean, they are better than all the other ones so why should they get all the sales?

Click here to get UPC codes for as little as $1.29 each! It’s where I bought mine, and they work just fine on Amazon

So here’s what I discovered in regards to getting UPC codes for your hard good products for sale… Continue reading