My Goal – To Build A Money Making App!

brian maroevichThere are many software programs and websites that will show you how to build an app without coding. Some of these sites are really amazing. Some are junk.

In this article I am going to show you two resources that you can play around with which will help you build an app quickly even if you can’t code, learn how to build an app with very little coding.

But that’s not all! Wow I really sound like a salesman there. Sorry. Anyway, I am going to show you how I am getting a real money making app built by a developer (at least I hope so. No promises).

I chart my progress so you can learn from it. Does that sound good? Give me a ‘Yeah!’ and click the like button above or below if that sounds good ok?

Lets begin…

The first resource that will get your feet wet in free app building and getting a feel for app building is called Appgeyser. It’s fairly user friendly, and it’s mostly free. I think it’s a really good first step for beginner app builders (and I am a beginner. I actually not interested in learning how to code either. But if that is your thing, you go Girl! More on this later).

The second free resource for building apps is called Buzztouch. This is a more advanced app building software program and training area. It’s excellent because they teach you how to build apps using code and they have a great forum. The cool thing about it is that you can’t get to the next ‘lesson’ until you pass a test on the previous less. So by the time you are done, you are a real app builder. This is highly recommended.

After you get your feet wet in one or both of those free resources you may want to hire a developer to build a money making app for you.

The reason I am getting a money making app build is because:

  • I am an internet marketer and if I don’t get an app built (and I mean a real app that gets listed on the Android and/or Apple platform, not a free app made from your website), then I am not staying on top of my game.
  • Apps are cool.
  • I can say I have my very own app.
  • We need an app for our brick and mortar business (so I might have this one built at the same time as my ‘money making app’).

Full disclosure: I purchased 3 books on app building and app marketing, and have not read one of them (they are loaded on my kindle and I starting reading one of them about 6 months ago and never got past page 3). I recently saw a video by some guy named Chad Murreta who is some app business building guru. It was a free video which was his ‘lead generator’ that is selling his ridiculously expensive course on building and marketing an app. Maybe it’s good but I am not spending $700 on it. I can pay someone to build one with that money. And that’s exactly what I am going to an app

Step 1 To Building An App Without Coding: Find an app.

Ha! You’re probably thinking, ‘Why would I find an app? I want to build one!’ And that’s exactly the mistake I almost made a year ago (yes, I dabbled with hiring an app developer and, well, we have three children under 6 years old so this went nowhere).

Well, I figured that I might as well find an app that seems to be doing OK, but could possibly use some work, model (not copy it), and try to make it better.

My first choice was to build a metric calculator. It seems simple, and it could be done quickly. The problem is that there are many of them, and they are all really good.

So last night, May 16th 2013, I found an app. I am not going to tell you what it is because unfortunately I don’t know you and frankly, my ideas have been ripped off before (here’s what I mean – this guy took my guide I created and tried to sell it on…he even copied my actual post from the Warrior forum to use as his description).

OK, so Step 1 is complete. I am going to go with this app, and show it to some potential developers to get their opinions on it.

Step 2 To Building An App Without Coding: Android, iPhone, or both?

Coding for the Android and iPhone platforms is different. So you have to hire a developer who specialized in one or both. Originally I wanted to start with the iPhone because it was the most popular smart phone a year or two ago. Now, the Android is the most popular and steadily growing. I have an iPhone so this might be weird.

Anyway, I am going to hire an Android developer…

Step 3 To Building An App Without Coding: Hire an App Developer.

If you can’t code like me, then you can’t build an app. So what do you do? You find someone who can. But you don’t just go out and hire your brother friend who lives in his moms basement. You have to outsource carefully. I am very experienced in outsourcing. I outsource almost daily for content; a little SEO here and there, image editing and creating, and a little video stuff here and there as well.

But I am not experienced in getting an app created and I am not 100% certain of what I am doing since all I know about apps is that they are on my iPhone and they are really cool.

But, I feel if I provide a model for them to go by I have a better chance of success. As of right now I am interviewing app developers. I’ll post updates shortly.

Update: May 17th 2013.

I placed an ad on Odesk that said this:

I have an idea of an app I need created for the Android. I am open to doing it on iphone as well. It will be in the area of sounds and creating sounds.

I want to model an app that is already on the market but make it better.

Isn’t that a terrible job posting? I can’t believe I actually only wrote that much. And the only reason I can think of is because I am so used to writing short postings on freelancer sites for content, which usually doesn’t require very much detail.

The result of that ad was 21 applicants for the job. I messaged 6 of them based upon their overall feedback and hours worked on Odesk, app portfolio, and also taking into consideration their rate.

I decided upon a coder who works with an agency because I also liked the fact that he was getting back to me in the morning (Pacific time) and was very responsive.

His rate to complete the app was just $200. But I am sure it will be more because changes will need to be made, and I have to pay to have this app loaded onto Google Play.

How To Build A Money Making App Part II

So it’s been 6 days since I started this project and I ran into some roadblocks. I did anticipate some roadblocks, but the one roadblock I am having trouble managing is ‘doubt’. I am pretty sure this first idea is not going to make any money so I am going to get it done just for the experience and move on to another app idea that may make some money. But for now I want to complete this current project.

The second roadblock I had was a ‘duh’ mistake.  I have an iPhone and can’t view the mock ups on my iPhone. I thought I could use an emulator for the Android but that isn’t possible, from what I understand, so I bought a Galaxy S3.

Now I can download the work they have done so far…wait not so fast! I had trouble downloading the work they have done so we are at a stand still today.

May 24th. I finally figured out how to view and test an app that my developers are working on my Android phone. I shot this video because I figured the problem I was having may be the same problem someone else is having:

A this point I am happy to show you my first app because it’s not in a money making market in my opinion. There are many other similar apps that are probably better. It’s not bad, but it’s not good. It will be a free app and I’ll put ads on it for a revenue source.

I need a good app if I want to make money, and a good app in a niche market. And that’s what I have another developer working on. I feel it will make a little bit of money, and then I will work from there.

My first app is called Annoying Sounds. I was modeling another app called Annoying Noises. My app is a silly, maybe even ‘stupid’ app. Here is what the mock up version looks like:

annoying sounds app

The sounds are mostly pretty annoying. You can set your ringtone to the annoying sound of your choice by touching the sound you want, and then selecting the red gear button, and then choosing ringtone.

annoying sounds app settings

This would make a good prank by getting your friend to download it and then setting his or her ringtone to the scream or maybe even the fart. Imagine your friend talking with a girl he likes and then calling him!

So that’s my first app. I am not expecting any revenue to write home about from it. But the experience of building it, testing it was the reward…

Money Making App Problem #1:

I had trouble getting the app on my phone to test it. I’ll explain how I solved this problem shortly.