A Social Media Technique That Spreads The Word!

Sharing content with your subscribers and Facebook followers is a very good way to prove you are the expert in your niche. It also spreads goodwill and engagement which means you’ll get more followers and more traffic to your website.

But you have to share good content. If you are sharing ‘thin’ content and offers all the time your brand will diminish and your site or fan page will dwindle to almost nothing. So share good quality information both yourself and other websites. You’ll be paid back as a result of your goodwill…

This video describes the basic technique I’ve been using for years. But below is a more advanced technique that you may want to try (see step 4)…

It’s been said that you should share at least one good bit of content per week. I agree with that, but I try to share up to two or three times per week depending on the content I have available.

The problem with sharing content is that you can’t be writing an article every two or three days unless you are a super hero writer. So what I do is I let Google help me.

Here’s how it works:

Go to Google Alerts: Type on the keyword you want to find content for. In this example I am using Chocolate. Click ‘show options’ if you want to be notified less than once per day. The click Create Alert. Now you’ll get articles sent to on the subject of your choice which you can share with your followers and your list. sniply-4

As you can see Google will show you articles instantly before you create the alert so choose one of these or wait for an email alert, it’s up to you.

2. Go to your Facebook fan page: Post the article to your page. You can post it immediately or click the ‘Post’ button on the lower left to schedule your post to go out on a date of your choice.  This is a good way to post and schedule several articles so that you don’t have to keep doing it every week and automate it.

You can also share this with your list or use other social media outlets like Twitter.


Step 3: Congratulations! You now have a simple tool at your disposal, a free tool, which will help you increase the expert status amongst your followers and spread goodwill. And when you share information from other sites as well as your own you’ll be seen as a hub for information, a ‘go too person’, and that results in more overall traffic.

Step 4: Try using a new tool that I am testing. It allows you to embed a message into any article or page you share with your Facebook followers or any subscribers you have (affiliate link).

Follow the same directions above except before you post an article to your list or on your Facebook page create a special message and a link with this tool.

So instead of the long link above you’ll have a short link like this:


But the best part is that when your followers or subscribers click the link to read the article they not only get the quality article you sent them but you also have your own custom message at the bottom of the page which links to whatever you want it to like this:sniply-11

Here Is The Video Guide For Steps 1-4:

Simple Goodwill Social Media Technique Explained from Brian Maroevich on Vimeo.

As you can see this is a great way to share content but also link to something else of value to your list, or you can send them to an offer. Test it our for yourself. Give it a try for free here.

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