Easy Way To Remove Labels For Amazon FBA Listings

Here’s a twist on an old way to remove labels for Amazon FBA:

As you probably know by now, many items you buy at thrift stores or at clearance events have labels that are often very difficult to remove.

And one way to remove these little pains in the rear is to use manual label removers. I’ve been doing this for a long time now. I use them in conjunction with Goo Gone.

But it can still be a very labor intensive process especially if you are dealing with stubborn labels. Continue reading

Sell On Amazon and Ebay In 7 Steps!

goodwill storeHere’s how to find stuff to sell on Amazon and Ebay Step by Step. It’s so easy you can do this on a lunch break or when you are getting a cup of coffee.

Follow these 7 steps to making extra money working a few hours a week (at most). It’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s profitable:

Step 1: Find Goodwill, Salvation Army, good thrift stores, even a TJMax, CVS, Wallgreens, Rite Aid, or Toys R Us (for starters) surrounding your home.
Step 2: Get the FBA Scan app for your iphone or Android. Also, I suggest you get the Amazon and eBay apps as well.

Step 3: Set aside at least $20 – $100 to spend (don’t worry about this yet. But the more money you can spend, the better).

Step 4: Get lunch. Eat fast, and then head over to one, several, or all of the stores listed above.

thrift store booksStep 5: If you go to Goodwill or Salvation Army, go to the book section, dvd section, toys, and household items, and look for items that look new or are in good condition. Scan the barcode on these items through FBA Scan or with the Amazon scanning app (FREE!), and see what you come up with (see the article on how to scan items if this is confusing to you).

If you go to the retail stores, look for clearance items, and items that are discounted deeply or are on special. You’ll see signs and stickers. Sometimes you have to walk to the back or ask an employee.

There is always going to be specials and clearance items at the retails stores. That’s the good news. The better news is that the most clearance items will be available shortly after Christmas, and after other Holiday promotions because they have to get rid of inventory. I have found great items that are below wholesale this way.

Step 6: No Barcode? No problem. Look this item up manually on Amazon using the Amazon.com app (you could actually just use this app on its own for looking up pricing, but it has its limitations).

You can manually type in the name of the item, or use the ‘Snap It’ feature, which works well for books and dvd’s. Or, search for the item on Google or Bing and see what comes up.

Search on Ebay as well and see if it sold and for how much (there are website apps that can tell you what to expect from different items. I don’t discuss this here, and I do not use them very much at this time, but I will in the future.

Do not discount Ebay. For example, I found an old booklet that I thought was worthless. At the last second I did a search on Bing and the first search result was for a closed Ebay listing where the same item in worse condition than mine sold for $122. This booklet only cost .50. I listed in two months later and got $117! Here’s proof:


Like I said, don’t dismiss items you think won’t sell or are worthless because there are many at every thrift store in America. I’ve found small items that sell well, and I thought for sure it was a waste of time. For example, I found some Dream Water that was only .99 cents. I listed them on Amazon and received $15 each. My net profit was $9.

SIDE BAR: Don’t worry about selling on Amazon yet, I am going to show you how to do it in a moment. There are two ways to do it (more on this in a moment).
You’ll find items like this as well.

Once you find an item with a good profit margin set the item into your basket and move on to the next item.

Some items are better sold on Ebay: Rare items, vintage items, and hard to find items.

items read to ship to amazonStep 7: Bring your items home and get ready to ship them to Amazon. Or, if they are not an FBA candidate, list them on eBay.

Listing things on eBay is easy, but you should do a very good job of taking pictures (and I mean an excellent job), because a bad picture or two can dramatically reduce you sales.

Conversely, a good picture and boost bidding significantly. It really matters. There are some great tools that help you take professional quality pictures of small and large items from your digital camera or smart phone. For example: get a lighting tent and lights, and a smartphone or digital camera stand. These two things alone with improve your sales.

How important are pictures? Some sellers buy on eBay and relist the same product after taking good pictures and writing excellent descriptions. I’ve done it myself.

Operation Thrifting For Gold!

thrifting for profitsIn this post I am going to show you how I am making money buying from thrift shops and selling the goods for a huge profit!

I’m going to show you some of the goodies I’ve found at a couple of local and out of town thrift stores. But before I do this I want to give you a little back story…

About 1 year ago I got slammed by Google for no apparent reason. Most of my sites dropped in ranking, and a couple of sites lost a little bit of traffic. But then, Google Adwords shut my account down and would not tell me why.

I Felt Like A Loser!

I told this to my brother and he said, ‘Well, you must be doing something wrong.’ I explained my situation and he couldn’t believe what they did either! I can tell you more about it some other time… Continue reading

Making Money With Amazon.com!

As you may know by now, I sell eBooks and one printed book on Amazon.com, and the monthly checks are consistent from this effort. However, they are not huge. I don’t recommend this as a full time business model unless writing and selling books or eBooks is your passion.

However, I do believe in multiple channels of income. Selling ebooks on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and Apple is one of them. Here is a short introductory video on this:

Another channel I opened up several years ago is selling tangible products on Amazon. We list them, and then when someone orders we ship them! It’s simple (after you understand and navigate your way through their selling platform). Continue reading