That’s Me After A Hard Trail Run Up In Truckee CA.Hi! My name is Brian Maroevich (that’s me after a grueling trail run in Truckee, California where we have a little get away cabin).
I am a bit of a Renegade in the Internet Marketing field. I started back in the late 1990’s, and got real serious about it in 1999-2000.
At the time I was deeply involved in offline direct response marketing in the Insurance Industry (and I still am still in that niche). But I started to transition to the Internet because I was having some success there.
Side Bar: Please excuse this new site. You can see my old sites here: Amazing Prospecting Letters and LeadStampede.com.
I also have a webmaster blog where I have tools created for my own use, and you can take a look at them.
It wasn’t long before I had thoughts of selling ‘Internet Marketing’ material back in the early days. I even recorded a few interviews with some big names at the time like, Yanik Silver and Michael Campbell.
But I didn’t feel good about creating a ‘How To’ Internet marketing course because I wasn’t making a full time income doing it. So how could I go out there and teach it to someone else? It was hard to back away from it because all the big marketers had affiliate programs for their courses and I really wanted to sell them and make a commission. But I just couldn’t do it. I wanted to prove myself first.
I persevered past these greedy thoughts, and years later I can now walk the talk because I am making a full time income working part time, and I make 99% of it in niches that have nothing to do with Internet Marketing.
Books By Brian:
It didn’t take all those years to be successful though. I just didn’t want to compete with the big names in Internet Marketing, so why bother when I was enjoying what I was already doing?
In addition to my Internet business, my wife and I own two salon and spa’s. She runs them, and I do the marketing.
I was interviewed by Bill Glazer (for the Glazer Kennedy Gold Inner Circle membership CD, which was a huge honor for me), for my marketing material for our salons.
So why am I telling you all this?
The reason I am telling you about some of my accolades and experience is because I am a real person who is a real entrepreneur both online and offline, with results to back it up. I really have built and continue to build successful websites (or mini Internet businesses), and I did it using simple but effective strategies. Not with ‘magic’ software that some guy built in his mom’s basement, and not with crazy linking techniques. None of those things work.
Anyway, I guess what I am trying to tell you is if you are not having success in the Internet Marketing arena, and you really want to be successful you have to focus on effective long term ‘grass roots’ strategies that will build a quality business, and not get caught up in all the hype around the latest software or WordPress theme.
If you do get caught up in automation software, and viral software, and linking strategies, and content curation, etc. you will be out of business in a hurry. It’s the basic grass roots stuff that builds a business.
Once you get these things down you can test out the new wiz bang software. OK, now I’ll get off my soapbox…
Profile of Brian Maroevich:
- Married to an amazing woman (Angie).
- Has three magical children who are way better than him in every way.
- Enjoys keeping fit (right now through JuiJitsu (BJJ), and trail running).
- Was a semi professional drummer.
- Used to surf all the time before family and business took priority.
- And that’s enough on Brian for now J