Here’s how to get UPC codes for your products so you can list them on Amazon, or other websites that require a UPC code…
Legal Stuff: This article if for informational purposes only. Do your own research before taking my recommendations or advice.
Here’s what a UPC code broker has to say and he is also the person I trust on this:
“You have two choices when purchasing UPC Codes. You can buy directly from GS1 or you can buy from a reseller such as us. The benefits of buying from a reseller is obviously the price. When you purchase UPC codes from a reseller you are buying a “lot” of codes within a shared prefix, when you purchase from GS1 you are buying an entire prefix.”
I have million dollar bills! Yes, I do. They are fake, so don’t get all jealous of me. Anyway, for the longest time I couldn’t figure out how to get them listed for sale on Amazon and some other sites that require UPC codes.
But finally I was able to get a UPC barcode and then list them on Amazon! Here’s my UPC code in barcode format (which I’ll never use):
Here’s my Amazon Barcode Label:
So How Did I Accomplish This?
I did a little research a year ago and I discovered that, it’s freak’n confusing! So I stopped looking, and a year later I started in again because my million dollar bills are awesome and I want to list them for sale. I mean, they are better than all the other ones so why should they get all the sales?
So here’s what I discovered in regards to getting UPC codes for your hard good products for sale… Continue reading