Add RSS To Your WordPress and HTML Sites and Generate Affiliate Revenue!

top-secretIn this tutorial on how to add an rss feed to your site so that you can get affiliate revenue or pay per click revenue from eBay Partner Network!

Th eBay partner network got rid of their Editor Kit which allowed you to generate live feeds of listings on It was great because it would allow you to generate listings in any category, so if you were writing an article on antique tea pots you can place a live feed of antique tea pots in your post, and if anyone clicked and/or bought you would get paid.

Now the only way to do this is to use what’s called an rss parser to accomplish the same thing. Here is the email they sent me in response to my request for assistance on this issue: Continue reading

How To Add A Video Trailer To Your Youtube Channel!

Adding a Youtube Video Trailer to your Channel is a great way to engage visitors to your channel, build your brand, and increase your subscriptions. But getting it set up is a little tricky if you don’t know how to navigate through Youtubes interface.

So here’s how ad add a video trailer to your channel.

Step 1: Got your channel:


Step 2: To to your Settings:


Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of your Youtube settings and click on the link that says View your account status and feature availability… Continue reading